Spiritual Counselling

Spiritual Counselling

The best healer you can have is your own innate wisdom. Spiritual Counseling reconnects you with your inner guide.

Spiritual Counselling is for you if:

  • You are a sensitive and/or anxious person
  • You struggle to stay grounded
  • You need support through a life transition
  • You are searching for more meaning in your life
  • You feel disconnected from your body
  • You are an artist, writer, or musician experiencing a block
  • You need support in challenging relationships
  • You find it difficult to make life decisions, big or small
  • You are looking for strategies to manage pain
  • You feel like you are merely going through the motions in life
  • You are searching for your passion
  • You are just curious about trying spiritual counselling!
All are welcome regardless of religious or spiritual background.

Do you feel…..

  • Like your body holds keys to doors that you want to unlock, but you don’t know how start?
  • Confused by the buzz around “listening to the body” and want a clear explanation and experience of what it means to actually hear your body’s wisdom?
  • That you need to try a new way of healing your anxiety and that this body-centred approach could be it?
  • That your emotions might overwhelm you if you don’t approach them in the right way?
  • Tired of head-centred, overly analytical approaches to life?
  • Like it is time to bring more balance between your mind and body?
  • Ready to start living in alignment with your values?
  • Ready to be part of the swell of body-centered wisdom arising in humanity?
  • Like there has to be a better way to heal the body-mind than using only the mind?
  • Like talk therapy is only one piece of the puzzle, but not the whole solution?

If this sounds like you, we have the tools to help you on the next steps of your journey…
